About driltech







Our team of experienced managers, technicians, and field
operators continuously strive to provide customers with the
highest level of support and service, every day of the year.

We offer an open line of communication to our customers who can count on us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our Operations Center constantly receives digital job data to ensure our customers are fully supported by job-site personnel and our entire team of experts.

Compliance is another strong element that drives our success. Our commitment to the health and safety of our employees and the environment is our highest priority. Each employee receives constant training in industry Health Safety and Environment (HSE) standards, as well as job-specific safety training. Our managers and supervisors are a vital key to our success and are vigilant in monitoring, reporting, and reinforcing compliance of HSE regulations and standards.


No matter the time of day or night,
we are there for our customers.

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